Amazing Woman: Mary Lindell

Amazing Woman: Mary Lindell

Her real name was Ghita ‘Mary’ Lindell, preferred name was Gertrude Mary Lindell, but her code-name was ‘Marie-Claire’. Some knew her as the Comtesse de Millville or Comtesse de Moncy. Another title was ‘The Nazis most wanted woman’. She was the fearless woman who...
Remarkable Women: Molly Sasson

Remarkable Women: Molly Sasson

She was Dutch/English/Australian, her name was Molly Oliver Sasson. Her ancestry is as clocked in subterfuge as her life. Some say she was born in England; others report the Netherlands. Some say she was educated in the Netherlands some say otherwise. Some say at the...
Henri ‘Digger’ Heremene

Henri ‘Digger’ Heremene

He simply arrived at their airfield, a little shy to begin with but then hunger drove him to bravely enter the accommodation of Australian Flying Corps, 4 Squadron. He was small, his clothes had too many holes to keep out the winter chill and he didn’t speak a word of...
Fury To Hell

Fury To Hell

Albert ‘Bert’ Adrian Stobart was born on 11 April 1921, in Sandringham, Victoria, to John and Beatrice. Initially hoteliers in the gentle green English countryside, his parents migrated across the world to the strong colours of Australia. The family moved to the...